This year's celebrations were international when I was blessed to receive wishes from members around the world. How grateful am I to be a "small part of a great whole" (12&12 p.130). Amongst the many global members that sent those emails, there was one special gentleman by the name of Bob from PA. His words truly convey the miracle of Alcoholics Anonymous. He said, "I have found the 'Fountain of Youth'. A cup of AA coffee every day that I am able. They told me to keep coming back, and it worked. I've been to over 300 meetings a year for over 31 years. I became 90 yrs young last July, one day at a time." It's member's like Bob that keep the doors of A.A. open for me. Thanks.
If you're interested in sending birthday wishes to A.A. members around the world, you can find anniversary dates at http://www.aahistory.com/newbirth.html.